WAFB in Baton Rouge is reporting that a Baton Rouge teenager is among those shot in this morning’s mass shooting inside a Colorado movie theater.

The station is reporting that family friends say Bonnie Kate Pourciau, 18, was shot in the knee and survived and is in surgery.  Her parents are going to meet her.

WAFB says the victim’s mother, Kathleen Pourciau, wrote on her Facebook wall about the incident just before 7 a.m.

“Bonnie Kate was shot last night in her leg in a theater in Aurora, Colorado,” she wrote. “She is at the hospital now in Denver and will be going into surgery soon. Many people were killed. Please pray for her and the others who were hurt and their families.”

The Pourciau family says Bonnie Kate’s friend Elizabeth Sumrall was with her at the movies, but she was not hurt.

At least 12 people are dead and dozens have been injured in the aftermath of last night’s mass shooting at a suburban Denver movie theater.  A gunman walked into the theater and started shooting during a special midnight showing of the new “Batman” movie, “The Dark Knight Rises.”  Authorities say the shooter took two rifles and a handgun into the theater in Aurora, Colorado, and opened fire after activating a tear gas canister.


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