State Police say a 52 year old Lake Charles casino employee has been arrested and charge with stealing. According to a report issued by State Police 52- year old Cindy Thompson of Lake Charles was observed by surveillance at L'auberge Casino Resort exchanging chips from the Golden Nugget Casino in exchange for L'auberge Casino chips.

The following day surveillance at Golden Nugget observed the dealer, Ms Thompson, placing chips into her apron during her shift. It was during that shift that Thompson was detained by Golden Nugget security. She was arrested upon the arrival of State Police.

During a subsequent interview Thompson admitted to taking the chips. She even showed police where the chips were hidden. It was determined that Thompson stole at least $1,000 in chips.

She was taken to the Calcasieu Parish Correctional Center where she was charged with felony theft. Bond for Thompson was placed at $5,000.  Investigators are continuing to look into the incident.

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