We've all had that dream. The dream of hitting the Powerball Lottery, calling in retired, and never having to work another day in our lives. There has been a recent big money winner in the multi-state Powerball game. However, those big money jackpots might be harder and harder for you and me to win based on changes in the Powerball game.

Kim Chopin, a spokesperson for the Louisiana Lottery, told the Louisiana Radio Network that your odds of hitting the big money jackpot have increased from 1 in 175 million to 1 in 292 million. The reason for the change is to give you more of what you want.

This is going to help the game provide those big eye popping jackpots that our players really love.

I have to admit I get a lot more interested in the Powerball when it climbs to a certain level. Actually I am very afraid of what might happen to my life if I accidentally won a big money prize.

The way the lottery will enact the changes is really quite simple. They will add an additional ten white balls to the hopper. That will make a total of sixty-nine. The game will also remove nine Powerballs to the mix bringing the total number of big money balls to twenty-nine.

So when you add all those extra white ball numbers in there you’re lessening those odds of winning that jackpot prize but because we removed some red Powerball numbers now you’re increasing the odds to win other prize levels.

Chopin says these changes will allow those that match four white balls and a Powerball to now claim a  prize valued at 50 thousand dollars instead of only 10 thousand dollars.

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