Louisiana's 3rd District Congressman Charles Boustany says he has fired off a letter to leadership in the Senate that they may join him in opposing an amendment to the Keystone Pipeline Act that would repeal "domestic build requirements under the Jones Act."

Boustany says the Jones Act required that any cargo being taken from one American port to another has be carried by an American flagged vessel.

He says this provision of the Jones Act translates into 400,000 jobs across our country along with a $60 billion impact based on Department of Transportation figures.

Boustany says he opposses Senator John McCain's amendment to the Keystone Act because messing with the provision could impact the 1 in 5 jobs Louisiana see from our ports and the $20 billion impact it has on our state's economy.

A press release by Boustany points out:


"The Offshore Marine Services Association states the domestic fleet supported by the Jones Act is 40,000 vessels large and accounts for over $100 billion in economic activity annually."


Boustany says straight out:


"Repealing the Jones Act would be a gigantic mistake. This provision supports thousands ofLouisianajobs and millions in economic activity for our state, and it's good for the American economy as a whole. Senator McCain's amendment fails to understand this important industry's role in our economic resurgence, ensuring that American goods have a reliable pathway to market.  I urge Senate leadership to oppose this amendment".



Click here to read the letter.







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