In the current legislative session, Louisiana Legislature is considering 29 different bills related in some way to firearms. Eleven of those bills are directly related to concealed-carry permits.

One of those bills, authored by Rep, Valarie Hodges would allow domestic abuse victims to carry a concealed firearm for 45 days before being required to obtain a concealed-carry permit.

Hodges says the legislation would help domestic abuse victims forego the weeks-long wait of attending a concealed carry class. But Glen Fleming of Acadiana Gun Works says his business can accommodate anyone for the class in an expedited manner.

If you, or someone you know, would like to enroll ina the concealed-carry permit course, or the Eddie Eagle youth firearm safety course, contact Acadiana Gun Works at (337) 706-8638.

Fleming also spoke with Rob and Bernie on Acadiana's Morning News about the hot ticket topic of the auctioning off of the gun that killed Trayvon Martin. The gun, owned by George Zimmerman, has been put on the market through an online gun auction Web site.

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