That might sound like a question that would be asked a room filled with black light posters and Twinkies but it's an actual question one state agency is asking. Since Louisiana has made changes in its medical marijuana laws there have been a lot of questions but this may be the toughest one to answer.

The medical marijuana laws have placed the burden of legal dispensation of pot squarely on the shoulders of Louisiana's Agricultural Commissioner Dr. Mike Strain. Dr. Strain is now asking the Louisiana Board of Pharmacy "how much pot do you need?"

The Board of Pharmacy, is addition to doing their job about the rules and the regulations and the qualifications about the dispensing, they have to tell us what the volume is going to be. So they have to tell us how much to produce.

Dr. Strain's comments were reported by the Louisiana Radio Network and they seem to make a very valid point. In addition to the "how much" question, Dr. Strain and his department are also concerned with providing the right kind of marijuana for the needs of patients for whom it will be prescribed.

Louisiana's medical marijuana law allows dispensation of the drug for persons who suffer from glaucoma, cancer, and a severe form of cerebral palsy. Dr. Strain's office is in contact with other agricultural agencies across the country to gather information on the best way to develop a product that offers these patients the kind of relief they  need.  He is also concerned with safety.

A pharmaceutical grade safe form because this product is going to people that are ill. Think about that. So we have to be safe.

Obviously these questions are just scratching the surface on what kind of medical marijuana will eventually be produced and in what capacity. Still it is good to know that the Agricultural Department of our state is taking their role in this change in policy very seriously for the health and safety of Louisiana's citizens.

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