Louisiana State Police in the Troop D area of the state, which is west of Acadiana, recently held an enforcement to remove drivers from the left lane, who were not using the lane simply to pass other traffic.

Trooper Stephen Hammons, spokesman for Louisiana State Police Troop I, tells KPEL that a recent enforcement had troopers looking for individuals that are using the left lane on major highways, not as a passing lane, but a driving lane, which is not forbidden by law.  Hammons adds that many times other drivers become frustrated because they can’t pass these other drivers, and they may resort to aggressive driving including following too closely behind other driver or flashing their headlights at drivers that are blocking the lane.

Hammons says regardless of why someone is driving aggressively, they can be ticketed, even if they are just frustrated by another driver.  Hammons says a driver’s only responsibility needs to be driving, not thinking about family issues, speeding or expressing anger at other drivers.

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