The Attorney General has now weighed in on allegations of wrong doing made against District Attorney Phil Haney. There have been several issued raised by Iberia Parish President Errol Romero about how some things in the 16th judicial district office are paid for.  Romero ask the Attorney General’s Office to investigate the payments that were made for health insurance for Phil Haney and employees at the DA’s office.

Attorney General Buddy Caldwell says the complaints are without merit.  Caldwell issued a letter after wrapping up the investigation.  Romero officially asked the Attorney General whether or not it was legal for the Iberia Parish government to pay for the health benefits for employees of Phil Haney.  Romero also asked Caldwell to look into if some of those employees worked to get people to vote against Romero when he ran last year.

Romero says, to him, the insurance premium payments were what he thought amounted to possible public payroll fraud.

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