It's a statement I actually heard on a sports call-in show, " We can do without another math class but LSU cannot afford to allow the state government to mess up the football team."

There are many that actually hold that opinion when it comes to athletics versus academics. Whether it's right or it's wrong probably depends on whether or not you've got a kid that's about to be college age and whether that child has the ability to play football.

F. King Alexander is President of LSU and he took a few moments yesterday to vocalize his position on the effects the current fiscal crisis in the state is having on all aspects of life at LSU.

We’re losing students that might come to us. We’re losing students who are currently on our campus talking about other universities.

Currently the state's TOPS program is only funding at 25% for next year at the state's flagship university. That means parents and students are scrambling to find money to afford college.

But does that mean that LSU football will really be affected by the budget crisis? The LSU Athletic Program is a money maker. How could such a well funded program be affected by cuts in academic funding? As Dr. Alexander explained to the Louisiana Radio Network it's really quite simple.

Without proper funding LSU might have to cut out Summer School. Without Summer School it is estimated that about half of LSU's football squad will meet NCAA eligibility requirements for fall participation.

We’ve got coaches using it against our recruits in sports, saying ‘Why would you go to LSU? They might not have a summer school. You may not even be eligible by NCAA standards if you go to LSU.

Dr. Alexander went on to explain that LSU ranks 46th in the nation when it comes to the amount of money invested in each student. That's not a good ranking.

Not everybody wants their kids to go to a school that’s going to spend less on your son or daughter than anybody else in the country. It’s not a real good selling point.

Dr. Alexander used his remarks as an opportunity to implore legislators not to make any more cuts to higher education in the state. As his remarks indicate the effects could be very detrimental to the university, its reputation, and the students who are planning to attend.

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