One man's desire to spread hate has had just the opposite effect in South Carolina and in this nation. Many media outlets have reported that Dylann Roof wanted to create hate when he senselessly open fire on innocent church members during a Bible study on June 17. There were some reports that said Roof wanted to create a race war in this country. His horrific act of hate is being transformed into a solemn resolve of unity.

Today has been designated as Unity Day. It is a day when all residents of the United States have been asked to wear the colors blue and white in a show of support for this cause. When nine members of Emanuel African Methodist Church were brutally attacked and killed they were in the process of sharing love. It is in their honor that we ask you to share that message of love and hope and unity by wearing blue and white.

The design you see depicted in the cover photo is a design by artist Gil Schuler of Mt. Pleasant South Carolina. It depicts the Palmetto tree, the state symbol of South Carolina. There are also nine doves depicted as well, these birds represent the beautiful souls that were lost during that fateful night of June 17th.

Sometimes bad things happen that create change for the  better. Let us hope that this act of hatred will become a reminder that "we" can be a greater force for good when "we" all act with love and respect in our hearts.

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