The guys who forecast the weather will tell you that a cold front has passed through South Louisiana. For the next several days the chamber of commerce will be trying to grab this weather and stuff it in a bottle to show visitors how beautiful life can be along I-10.

Afternoon high temperatures will be warm enough for shirt sleeves and jeans. The night time will be cool enough where sitting close to someone you love and maybe enjoying a fire pit or campfire will be the perfect way to end the evening.

For me, it's the time before the day begins that is special. I have told you about the magical hour of 4am and just how unique and special it is.

I've always liked the time before the dawn because there's no one around to remind me who I'm supposed to be, so it's easier to remember who I am.

Brian Andreas wrote that quote in his book Trusting Soul it certainly seems apropos for a morning like this morning.

There is something about solitude that moves the spirit to madness. Sometimes that madness manifest itself in an inner storm that takes place between your ears. Sometimes that madness creeps outward into an insightful post on Facebook. Sometimes the madness moves the hand to pick up pen and paper and write.

Outside my door I slowly creep To my old porch swing where thoughts run deep.


The quiet and calm of the early morn Are where my strangest ideas are always born.


With coffee in hand I sit myself down.I notice the air is still, there is no sound.


The absence of noise it makes me pause, Air conditioners have been running since Mardi Gras


But this morning there is calm and there is quiet. I watch the dawn struggle to remove the night.


The starlight fades the day is near. I’m on my porch swing, just sitting here.


The dawn will bring mowers, trimmers, and joggers too People in such a hurry, ‘cuz they’ve got things to do


But right now they’re asleep not doing a thing  and I’ve got the world to myself on my old porch swing.


Here's to the magic of the early morning and the creative energy that can be found in a cup of coffee, a porch swing, and an unstable mind.

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