Louisiana School Bus Laws
Now that everyone is back to school in Acadiana, school buses are back out on the roads getting kids where they need to be. We all want everyone to be safe, and knowing when you need to stop for school buses will help make that happen.
Below is a detailed description of Louisiana school bus laws and procedures.
Louisiana School Bus Laws
From schooltrainingsolutions.com -
"You must stop at least thirty feet from a stopped school bus that is loading or unloading children. This is required by law whether you are meeting the bus or traveling behind it.
You do not have to stop when the bus is stopped in a loading zone completely off the roadway and where the pedestrians are not allowed to cross the roadway. When a school bus is stopped in opposite lanes on a roadway separated by a ditch, grassy median, elevated concrete barrier, or any obstacle that prevents traffic from driving thereon, you are not required to stop.
Drivers must stop for a stopped school bus when traveling on four-lane or five-lane roadways which are not separated by any barriers. When you have stopped, you must not proceed until the bus moves again or the visual warning signals are no longer in use."
Two Lanes - Vehicles traveling in each direction are required to stop when the bus's red lights are flashing.
Three Lanes - When the highway has a center turning lane with one travel lane on each side, vehicles traveling in each direction are required to stop when the bus's red lights are flashing.
Four Lanes - Vehicles traveling in each direction are required to stop when the bus's red lights are flashing.
Divided Highway - When the highway has a grass median or any physical barriers, only traffic moving in the same direction as the bus is required to stop when the bus's red lights are flashing. oncoming traffic should proceed with caution.
When the highway has a center turning lane with two travel lanes on each side, only traffic, only traffic moving in the same direction as the bus is required to stop when the bus's red lights are flashing. Oncoming traffic should proceed with caution.
Lafayette Consolidated Government posted the graphic below that illustrates the different situations you can find yourself in so you can know exactly what to do.
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Gallery Credit: Madison Troyer