I love the sound of vocal harmony. It's something I wish I could do. Since I can't I am glad there are groups of people that can and choose to share that gift with me. File' is such a group. The quartet is part of the larger Bayou Blend Chorus that's based here in South Louisiana.

Sunday, November the fourth the group along with several of their sisters in song will present a performance entitled "Grandma's Attic". The show is based on "Grandma" cleaning out her attic and the items she finds spur the memories and music that are featured in the performance.

The group is always looking for ladies that love to sing. If you can carry a tune, love to sing, and enjoy the camaraderie of some of the most incredible characters I've ever met you'll love being a part of the Bayou Blend group. If you're interested in trying out or you just want to drop in and sing a few the doors are always open.


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