The Sweet Truth: How Many Fun Size Candies Equal A Regular Candy Bar?
If you are the person shopping for Halloween candy for celebrations, you likely get the candy you like. You might eat a few. Or, you might each have a bunch of those "Fun Size" little candy bars! Everyone you know does this! Are we killing our diets??
So, what all of are wondering But, exactly can you eat until you are really just eating a standard-size candy bar? How many calories and carb grams are we talking about?
What Candy Does Louisiana Love to Buy?
In 2023, the candy that was bought the most was Sour Patch Kids. Our kids love them so much that last year, it ranked number one in candy sales.
This year, the number one candy is also of the sour variety, but it's also a candy that has been around forever. The candy is made by Ferrara Candy Company.
The number one slot for the most purchased candy for this year is LemonHeads. Their motto is even "Delightfully Tart, Brightly Sweet.
How Many Little "Fun Sizes" Can You Eat Before It's Just Like a Regular Bar?
Here is the answer.
Butterfinger – 2 ½ fun-sized bars = 1 regular bar
Reese’s PB Cups – 2 ½ miniature-sized cups = 1 full-sized cup
M& M’s – 3 fun-sized bags = 1 regular bag
Twix – 3 fun-sized bars = 1 regular bar (2 sticks)
Snickers – 3 ½ fun-sized bars = 1 regular bar
Kit Kat- 5 mini’s = 1 regular-sized bar (4 wafers) We all know we can’t just eat one or two of anything, especially candy bars.
And now we know! Those "Fun Size" bars add up the calories very quickly.
SWEET: 16 Totally Awesome '80s Candies We Were Obsessed With
Gallery Credit: Stephen Lenz