Tragic Louisiana Collision Between Two Trucks Claims a Life
Officials with Louisiana State Police say they were called out to a site on U.S. Highway 90 after a collision happened between two trucks, and a man died as a result. Several other people in both vehicles had minor injuries.
Louisiana State Police Trooper Matt Gaspard with the Public Affairs Section says the crash happened around 6 o'clock Saturday night on U.S. Highway 90 near Choupique Road and took the life of 41-year-old Coby Ray Robin.
According to Garspard, the preliminary investigation information is that Robin was driving his truck westbound on the roadway at the same time another truck was coming from the opposite direction. They did not know why, but Robin ended up crossing the roadway's center line and slammed into the other truck head-on. Gaspard says that Robin was not wearing a seat belt at the time of the crash, and he was pronounced dead by the coroner's office.
According to Gaspard, the passenger in Robin's truck was also not wearing a seat belt but only received minor injuries when the crash happened. The driver of the other truck and that person's three passengers were wearing seat belts, and they only suffered from minor injuries.
Because this was a crash involving a fatality, blood samples were taken from the drivers of both trucks for routine toxicology testing at a lab. The investigation to determine the exact cause of the crash continues.
Officials from Louisiana State Police have the following advice for all drivers:
- Never drive when any substances impair you
- Never get behind the wheel when you are tired
- Make sure you don't let distraction interrupt the job of paying attention to your driving
- Everyone in a vehicle needs to be wearing a seat belt
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Gallery Credit: Andrew Lisa