Lafayette Library To Host Drag Queen Story Time
The Lafayette Public Library System offers multiple free events throughout the year, but one coming up in October has people talking. Drag queen story time is something that has been done in cities across the country, but this would be the first event of its kind in our area.
The story time is slated for three to six-year-olds, and the stories will be narrated by drag queens. This is what the offering looks like on the Library System's website:
Click here to find out more about an event in another state. This is just one example, and it does not mean that the Lafayette event would be like this one. We have reached out to the Delta Lambda Phi chapter for their part of the conversation, and we are waiting to hear from them.
Library Director Teresa Elberson tells KPEL that the group volunteered and worked with the Children's librarians to pick a day to volunteer to read for the event. The book to be read for the event has not been chosen yet.
Elberson says while the men will be dressed in drag, they will not be dressed to make a statement.
Elberson say the decision was made to allow them to volunteer as the library is a place "to provide an open, friend environment to talk about it".
She adds they are only doing this to increase understand, acceptance, inclusion and to prevent bullying.
The library director says this is in no way to try to convert people but to show that there are differences in the world.