We are almost out of the flu season and just about into the pollen season in Louisiana. Both seasons are absolutely miserable but at least the flu hasn't been that bad this year. Up until last week the flu hasn't been that bad. Louisiana has seen a significant uptick in flu cases in the past seven days. It isn't the flu we were expecting either.

Dr. Frank Welch with the State Office of Public Health says the flu vaccine for the anticipated flu virus this season has worked well. The problem is that we are not seeing this year's flu virus on the rise. We are seeing 2009's really nasty flu bug back in circulation.

The big uptick that we saw this past week was from H1N1 back from 2009. That pesky influenza virus, well it’s still around, and it’s the one rearing its ugly head.

With more cases of the H1N1 virus and the season flu virus being reported you can count on more cases of the flu showing up across the state at least for the next few weeks. Dr. Welch told the Louisiana Radio Network that it's  not too late to get vaccinated against the virus.

Absolutely go get that flu shot. It is not too late to get it

Most insurance policies will cover the cost of a flu shot and those without coverage should contact their local health unit for vaccination.

Dr. Welch also offers this bit of advice. If you're sick stay home. If you don't want to be sick make sure you take precautions such as avoiding sick people and remembering to wash your hands frequently.

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