A Crazy Road Rage Incident in Houston, Texas Destroys a Man’s Car
Driving, for the most part, can be a smooth adventure. But sometimes, heading out into the world amongst the hundreds, or even thousands, of drivers on our roadways can be a chore. We could run into a single driver or even multiple drivers that just are not being the best behind the wheel. This can be very aggravating and can lead to a possible exchange of some curse words and maybe a middle finger. Sometimes, though, that exchange can lead to an actual confrontation just like what happened recently in Houston, Texas.
What Happened?
Emmanuel Escot was driving normally down Westheimer Road in Houston. That's when a driver swerved in front of Escot causing a minor traffic accident. As anyone would do, Emmanuel got on the phone with police to report the accident. When the other driver realized Emmanuel was on the phone with police, that driver goes off the deep end and begins to destroy Emmanuel's car and even attacking him.
Courtney Hilson was working across the street and saw what was happening and began filming the incident. That other driver is so enraged that he begins to destroy Emmanuel's car by first ripping the roof rake off.
The driver then rips off the passenger side door handles, throwing one into traffic and then takes the other one and throws it into the gutter, yelling as if he just bowled a strike.
The driver physically assaults Emmanuel while he was standing in the median waiting for police to arrive.
After the physical altercation, the driver gets into his car and leaves the scene only to turn around, against the normal flow of traffic, and ram into the front of Emmanuel's car, knocking the other driver's bumper off. The driver gets out to retrieve his bumper and puts it in his car.
After that, the driver jumps on the hood of Emmanuel's car and smashes the windshield.
As a final act of this man's ballistic road rage, he rams the side of Emmanuel's car, backs up and rams it again.
The driver's road rage left Emmanuel's car in this state.
He just didn’t seem like he wasn’t in his right mind. He was going crazy. - Courtney Hilson, witness
Houston police are investigating this incident. Police only have a charge of failure to stop and give information for the other driver. Before you jump to conclusions, that in NO WAY means that other charges will not be brought on that driver. Its pretty obvious that the driver committed multiple illegal acts.
One other question I have, how was this driver able to use his vehicle without license plates? Not even a dealer tag. Wouldn't this be a dead giveaway for police to pull this man over and find out why? Crazy story. We'll try our best to keep an eye on it and see what else develops.