Last night, former Congressman Jeff Landry and local businesses presented a check to the Honor Guard of Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 182 so that they may buy a van to be able to take veterans to the Alexandria VA clinic.

The van will be used for those trips and to take 14,000 local veterans to functions.

Landry says,

"Acadiana's veterans put our country first, fought for our freedom, and protected our liberties. Unfortunately, they've had a difficult time receiving the respect and care they deserve. I am proud to do what I can to help our community's heroes get the services they need. As a veteran, I have seen up close the sacrifices our men and women in the military make to serve our country. And I believe we must fulfill the commitments our nation has made to our veterans. That is why I went to work to help solve some of our Acadiana veterans' problems."

Last night, Landry also donated a bench for Bouligny Plaza dedicated to local veterans.

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