For years, we here at KPEL have been looking to the future of local radio. We are ready to announce that we are adding more local programming to the schedule starting Monday, January 10.

Moon Griffon
KPEL Photo

While listeners have been accustomed to hearing Dan Bongino on weekdays from 11 a.m. to 2 pm. and Guy Benson from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. the lineup will change starting this Monday. Now, don't panic! You will get all three hours of Bongino, but his time slot will move to 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. Why? Well, Moon Griffon will now be extending his show by one hour starting on Mondays, so people will hear Moon on KPEL from 9 a.m. until noon. Moon tells KPEL is he is extremely excited to be adding an extra hour to the show. He also says he has received tremendous support from local sponsors. Moon has said multiple times he will have a national focus on many of the third-hour show segments, but he also intends to offer a wide range of interviews during the additional hour.

Joe Cunningham
Photo provided by Joe Cunningham

So, what happens from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. starting Monday. The beginning of a new local show hosted by Joe Cunningham of "Red State", and his articles can be found at

Joe Cunningham with his wife Christa
Facebook Photo

You might already be familiar with Joe Cunningham as he has joined us many times over the years on "Acadiana's Morning News". Cunningham has also been a sub while Moon Griffon has gone on vacation. The same is true for the hosts of "Off Sides" from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. There have been many occasions that Joe has filled in for Brandon Comeaux and Shannon Wilkerson when they have taken time off. You might also be familiar with his participation as one of our panelists for Winging It Wednesday. Joe is no novice to radio either. He hosted a morning show in his hometown of Natchitoches, and he will be bringing his voice via writing to our website. Welcome, Joe! We can't wait for this new adventure to begin.

Here is Joe's article that he wrote about his new venture into Acadiana radio:

By now, most of you realize that I am not the firebrand, water-carrying type. I don’t make it a point to be strong to the point of seeking to offend anybody, and I genuinely believe there might still be common ground between the two sides of the political spectrum. I’ve written here before on the radio business and the changes that have been happening post-Limbaugh, especially in that midday slot he filled for so long.

But, all over I believe the radio landscape is changing. I am grateful now to say that I am going to be part of that change.

I’m very happy to announce this morning that, starting Monday, I’ll be on the radio from 3-4 p.m. CST every weekday. You can listen in every day at KPEL 96.5 at this link.

I’ve been working on this project for a while, so I am thrilled to see it finally happening. All the stuff you read here, plus whatever news breaks in the day and whatever other thoughts I have on various topics will all be covered.

If you’ve read anything I’ve written, then you know I’m not here to make people feel better about their positions. I have a perspective and a world view and I openly share it, but I am also trying to consider and understand the other side beyond just thinking of them as the enemy. On some days I am better at it than I am on others. But I try.

I would not be here if it was not for the work KPEL’s brand manager Brandon Comeaux has put into making it happen, and I have to thank Townsquare Media for letting me come on board. I also have to thank Bernadette Lee, Rob Kirkpatrick, Ian Auzenne, and others for letting me come on KPEL’s airwaves with them to talk about politics and other topics over the years. This wouldn’t have happened if they had not given me a chance.

Speaking of giving me a chance, I also wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for Erick Erickson, who has been a great friend and mentor. If you haven’t caught his writings at Substack or caught clips of his nationally syndicated show, you should. There are others in the conservative world that have been great mentors, like Caleb Howe at Mediaite and Jay Caruso at the Washington Examiner.

Of course, the most important part of any radio show is… the bumper music. So here is a playlist of all the songs I will be using, some I am working on getting, and some I want to get in the future. It will be updated from time to time. Personally, I think it’ll rocket me up to the top of the Best Bumpers In Radio list.

Thank you all for subscribing to this Substack, for reading me over at RedState, and listening to the podcasts I’ve been on and the radio shows I’ve filled in for. I couldn’t do this without an audience, and I’m truly grateful for you all.

Here’s to the future.

Joe Cunningham is a wonderful addition to KPEL. We welcome husband and father to KPEL for his own show, and we thank Christa Cunningham, Joe's wife, for sharing Joe with Acadiana.

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