AMC’s Fear Fest 2018 Kicks Off Sunday And Will Be Killer!
AMC's upping their game this year with dedicated horror sub - genre marathons and a documentary on the Halloween movie franchise.
I'm a big horror fan and always look forward to the horror programming that dominates during the Halloween season. To be honest, though, AMC's offerings in past years has been weak compared to the glory days of Monster Fest. They've relied too much on The Walking Dead re - runs and have chosen some pretty awful movies. They return to form with this year's Fear Fest. Here are the highlights via Bloody -
Halloween Marathon – features Halloween 1-6, Halloween H20: 20 Years Later and Halloween(2007). Airs the following days:
Sunday, 10/14 7:29a-7:34p. Features the 40th Anniversary of Halloween.
Thursday, 10/18 9a-5:40a and Friday, 10/19 9a-11:35p.
Monday, 10/29 – Wednesday, 10/31 9a-5:45a.
Exorcist Marathon – airs Monday, 10/15 8p-3:55a. Features The Exorcist II, III and the 45thAnniversary of The Exorcist.
Day of the Undead Marathon – airs Tuesday, 10/16 11:20a-10p. Features 28 Days Later, Shaun of the Dead, Day of the Dead, Return of the Living Dead and the 25th Anniversary of Army of Darkness.
AMC Double Feature: Chucky – airs Wednesday, 10/17 8p-12:10a. Features Curse of Chuckyand Cult of Chucky.
Stephen King Marathon – airs Saturday, 10/20 6:30a-5:45a. Features Silver Bullet, Thinner, Misery, The Mist, Firestarter, The Dead Zone, Graveyard Shift, 1408, Carrie and the 35thAnniversary of Christine.
Slasher-thon – airs Monday, 10/22 9a-10p and Tuesday, 10/23 9a-12:10a. Features Halloween H20: 20 Years Later, Halloween (2007), Friday the 13th (2009), Curse of Chucky, Cult of Chucky, Wes Craven’s New Nightmare, House of Wax, Scream 4, The Gallows, Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare, Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh and the premieres of Final Destination 2 and 3.
AMC Premiere Event: Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter – premieres Wednesday, 10/24 at 8p.
Demons Inside Marathon – airs Thursday, 10/25 10a-3:40a. Features Annabelle, Exorcist II-III, The Exorcism of Emily Rose, The Omen (2006), Prince of Darkness and the 45th Anniversary of The Exorcist.
Hellraiser Marathon – airs Friday, 10/26 9a-12:30a. Features Hellraiser, Hellraiser III, Hellraiser: Revelations and the premieres of Hellraiser IV-VIII.
Friday the 13th Marathon – airs Saturday, 10/27 5p-6a and Sunday, 10/28 6a-5:23p. Features Friday the 13th I-IX and Friday the 13th (2009).