Today Walt Bennetti, political blogger from joined 'Mornings With Ken and Bernie' and expressed his shock at learning that A & E was cancelling 'The Governor's Wife'.  He also had some comments about:

  • President Obama's visit to New Orleans
  • The sparring between the President and Governor Jindal
  • MEDICAID payments to dead people in Louisiana
  • Senator Mary Landrieu distancing herself from the President

According to Bennetti,

Due to the really dismal ratings A & E cancelled 'The Ex-Con's Wife' and actually aired the last four episodes yesterday morning at 10am, from 10am until noon.  And didn't tell anybody that they were going to run it.  Just slotted all of them in there to get rid of them.  Aired re-runs of 'Duck Dynasty' last night in it's place.


With the failure to start implementing Obamacare Bennetti found it amazing that the Department of Health and Hospitals here in Louisiana was caring for dead people.

The Department of Health and Hospitals paid $1.85 million for MEDICAID coverage for over 1,700 dead people.  Now, the state is going to get that money back but it's still embarrassing to the state and the groups involved.  An auditor actually had to go in and dig deep and find this and match up names and payments...A state that is as poor as we are and we're paying for continuing coverage for dead people.

President Obama visited the Port of New Orleans Friday and had good things to say about the Port but Bennetti said the President's comments were not limited to economic expansion.

The President did take some shots at the Governor about Obamacare and expanding MEDICAID.  Jindal shot back that 'we will not allow President Obama to bully Louisiana into accepting an expansion of Obamacare.  He also said expanding MEDICAID and the reason why he didn't do it is the fact that it would cost Louisiana taxpayers $1.7 billion over ten years.  While the expansion of MEDICAID sounds good it's actually going to shift costs more to the state than the federal government.


Bennetti had a lot more to say about Obamacare, Senator Mary Landrieu and Governor Jindal and you can hear all of his comments by listening to the interview:

You can read more from Walt Bennetti by visiting


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