Today Walt Bennetti, political blogger from joined 'Mornings With Ken and Bernie' and discussed Governor Jindal's weekend opinion piece and the election to replace 5th District Congressman Rodney Alexander.

Describing the line-up of candidates Bennetti said,

Fourteen people.  Five Republicans, four Democrats, two Libertarians, two others from other parties and one Green Party member.  Six current and one former elected official want this seat held by Rodney Alexander.

When asked why would so many people be vying for the seat Bennetti said,

Maybe it's a lot of money and a lot of power and opportunity to set you up for life by spending a couple of years in Washington.

According to Bennetti there's plenty of intrigue surrounding the race to replace Congressman Alexander,

You have Neil Riser who came up with a website and announced his candidacy one day after Rodney Alexander announced his resignation.  He's being supported by the Governor and the Governor's former campaign manager Timmy Tepell and you have Clyde Holloway, the Public Service Commissioner who said, 'You know this whole things stinks with Neil Riser and Governor Jindal anointing him as the candidate so I'm going to run'.  This is the twelfth time that Clyde Holloway has run for a Congressional seat somewhere in Louisiana...He was the first Republican to represent North Louisiana in the 20th century.

Bennetti had a lot more to say about the 5th Congressional District race, Governor Jindal's appearance on weekend television shows and the Governor's opinion piece.  You can hear those comments and more by listening to the interview:

You can read more from Walt Bennetti by visiting


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