Today Walt Bennetti, political blogger from joined 'Mornings With Ken and Bernie' and discussed:

  • announcement of drones to be used for package delivery
  • LA ranked 44th on list of "Best Run States"
  • Jindal in Indiana talking about Education -
  • Landrieu says LA's share of Oil & Gas revenue is "not fair"

Noting that's CEO Jeff Bezos announced last night on CBS's '60 Minutes' that the company would start using drones to deliver packages in the next four to five years Bennetti had one question,

How do you return things?  Do you summon a drone for the return or do you use the postal service like most people do?

On a more serious note we asked Bennetti to explain a recent survey that shed some less than favorable light on Louisiana.  According to Bennetti,

Louisiana ranked 44th out of 50 states in the 'best run states' poll by a financial news website '24-7 Wall'.  A website I've never heard of but obviously they put out a press release and it made news everywhere...They talked about the usual suspects.  The bad statistics that Louisiana has; the fact that only 83% of Louisiana residents have a high school diploma, almost 17% of Louisiana residents are without health insurance which is the worst in the country.

Senator Mary Landrieu recently said that Louisiana's share of oil and gas revenues are not fair.  To that Bennetti said,

We've heard this before and it's the answer to the question, you know it's an election year when?  Mary Landrieu is again complaining about oil and gas royalty payments.

Bennetti had a lot more to say about these topics plus comments about Governor Bobby Jindal raising funds for the Republican Party in Indiana.  You can hear all of his comments by clicking below to listen to the entire interview:

Be sure to visit to read more from Walt Bennetti.


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