Bishop Deshotel’s Hope For You In The New Year
A new year blessing from the Bishop of the Diocese of Lafayette:
"Hello, I'm Bishop Doug Deshotel, Bishop of the Diocese of Lafayette. As we close out the year 2017 and begin the new year 2018, it gives us the opportunity to reflect upon the many graces and blessings God has given to us in the past year, and also to look forward to a new year, to improve, to look at those ways in our lives when we can better serve those around us. The year 2018 will also mark the Centennial Year of the Diocese of Lafayette, one hundred years of faith and love, serving the people of the Diocese of Lafayette, one hundred years of living the faith that had been handed on to us by our ancestors, one hundred years of looking at how we can bring that faith to others in the future. As we thank almighty God for his many blessings in the past year, let us ask him for the graces and the light that we need as we enter into the new year of 2018. God bless you all and happy new year to everyone ."
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