Blake Miguez of the History Channel's 'Top Shot' joined 'Mornings With Ken and Bernie' today and invited listeners to catch the premiere of Season Five tomorrow.  Miguez said,

I'm excited that 'Top Shot Season Five All-Stars' premieres tomorrow night (Wednesday 5/29/13) at 9:00PM Central time.  I'm proud to say there will be familiar Cajun face on the show.

When asked about the premise of Season Five Miguez replied,

The producers went back to all the previous four seasons and chose the best personalities and best shots and gave us a second shot at the title for this all-star season...The guns will be bigger, the pace 'Top Shot' on steroids.

Miguez had a lot more to say about 'Top Shot' and his take on House Bill 8 regarding disclosure of concealed-carry gun permit holder.  You can hear the entire interview:

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