Broussard Mayor Charles Langlinais Endorses Candidates For School Board
Broussard Mayor Charles Langlinais has endorsed several candidates for seats on the Lafayette Parish School Board.
In a letter to residents, Langlinais said the school board races are among "the most important decisions we, as voters, will have to make."
Langlinais cited Broussard's quick population growth, which is expected to double in the next ten years.
"Families want to live here and we need to provide the best education possible for their children," Langlinais wrote. "To do this, we need more schools and we need a school board that understands the fundamentals for the Southside of Lafayette Parish."
Langlinais endorsed the following five candidates:
- Shelton Cobb (District 3)
- Kermit Bouillon (District 5)
- Mark Cockerham (District 7)
- Erick Knezek (District 8)
- Jeremy Hidalgo (District 9)