After last night's Lafayette Parish School Board Meeting, the name of Lafayette Parish's newest high school will be Southside High.

The contentious argument about the naming of the school being built in Youngsville's corporate limits may have gotten heated at times.But the debate is now over.

District 6 School Board Representative Justin Centanni visited the KPEL studio to talk about the vote last night and where the project goes from here.

Centanni said he was pleased with the public participation on the issue. He said about the meeting, "Whoever wanted to speak on the issue got to speak and get heard."

He applauded the passionate public's participation on the issue. He encourages the public to continue their engagement with the decision-making process.

"I thought (naming the high school) was a tribute to the past, and a nod to the future of Lafayette Parish," Centanni said.

Now, he said the school system will focus on building the new, state-of-the-art school.

Youngsville Councilman Matt Romero spoke with Rob and Bernie this morning, as well, about the school board's decision last night.

Romero said despite the board waiving the idea of naming the school "Youngsville High," Youngsville officials remain "elated" that the new school will be located in their city.

Though he expressed that he and others are disappointed i the decision, he said the city is moving on and looking forward to the school's groundbreaking planned for next month.

On the issue of the new high school uniform policy, Centanni said, for the 2016-17 school year, the parish's high school students will have two options when getting dressed in the morning.

For uniform shirts, students will be able to chose between either the school-color polo shirt of the school's spirit shirt, usually sold as a fundraiser. For uniform pants, students can choose between khaki of navy blue pants.

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