Colonel Rob Maness, candidate for US Senate recently visited with Ken Romero and Dr. John Sutherlin on 'Go Acadiana' to discuss his candidacy and his 'Life for Louisiana' Plan.

When asked to explain his 'Life For Louisiana' plan Maness said,

The context of it is, it's part of our 50 'townhalls' that we're doing around the state this summer to roll out our positive ideas for the future of Louisiana and the future of the United States. That's what we want the rest of this campaign to be about, real ideas.

In further discussion of his 'Life For Louisiana' plan Maness had this to say about this opponent.

I'm somewhat sad that my opponent, Senator Landrieu doesn't share the same view. She's voted for Planned Parenthood several times and that ends over 300,000 tiny lives each year. She supports forcing tax payers paying for these life-ending procedures. She believes that employers should have to provide conscience violating plans to their employees.

When asked about how he felt about the recent Hobby Lobby decision by the Supreme Court Maness said,

With that decision the Supreme Court did make an affirming decision that religious liberty does count when you're talking about privately held companies held by folks that have a religious conscience.

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