Drug Take Back Day Set For Saturday In Jennings
I bet if you were to go look in your medicine cabinet right now you'd find at least one bottle of prescription medicine you or a member of your family is no longer taking. It's these old, outdated, or not needed medications that Jeff Davis Sheriff's Deputies hope you'll bring into them this Saturday during Drug Take-Back Day.
Events like this are held all over the country by law enforcement agencies. The idea behind the no questions asked collection is simple. To dispose of these medications before they are abused or misused by someone. Drug Take-Back Days are very commonplace across the nation as the dangers of misuse of prescription medication have been on the increase.
Those wishing to drop off prescriptions on Saturday may do so in Jennings this Saturday. The drop off location is 1530 Shankland Avenue and the hours of the Take-Back are between 10 AM and 2 PM. If you have questions about the program you may call the Jeff Davis Parish Sheriff's Office (337) 824-3850