With just two weeks until the first day of Festival International, organizers are still looking to recruit about 1,000 volunteers to make sure the world-renowned festival goes off without a hitch.

"We're in crunch mode right now," said Tucker Sappington, vice president of marketing for Festival International. "And we're excited about it, though as we get closer and closer and as the hype goes up."

Sappington said Festival International needs about 2,000 volunteers over the course of five days. Their hard work help keep the festival free of charge, Sappington said.

"If you can five three hours in the give days that you're coming, that's a big deal," he added. "It helps us, and it helps us with our craziness that's going on."

If you'd like to volunteer for Festival International, go to their website.

To listen to the full interview with Sappington, click on the 'Play' button below.

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