There is Hurricane season, football season, hunting season, and crawfish season. If that makes sense to you then you have found your home whether you are physically located in  Louisiana or not.

Hurricane season is about over. We are in the middle of football season. Hunting season is here and from the LSU Ag Center we are hearing that the first taste of crawfish season is arriving a little early.

The crawfish they had from the previous season, the ones they didn't catch yet, the females that have babies and the males, they all went buried into the ground and when they flood up they all come up out of the ground.

Those are the words of LSU Ag Center Marine Extension agent Alan Matherne as reported by the Louisiana Radio Network. Matherne says the reason we are seeing some early crawfish is because now is when the farmers are flooding their fields.  While the catch may actually be part of last year's crop. The quality and the size are certainly what they  need to be.

They should be some very good size crawfish and they are very good at this point.

Matherne did say the supply is tight and the prices will be high but if you're willing to pay a little extra just for a taste you should be able to find some crawfish to enjoy.

The peak of the Louisiana crawfish season really starts to kick in about January and will run through Spring. Right now indications are good that this year will be a good year for mudbug enthusiast and that is good news for everyone who lives or whose heart lives south of I-10.

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