District 22 Senator Fred Mills joined Rob and Brandon on Acadiana's Morning News to discuss Governor Edwards' proposed budget plans, the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, and more.

Mills offered his thoughts on Chief Justice Scalia and his affection for the Acadiana area

I didn't know him, but I did talk to several friends of mine who did hunt with Scalia. I don't think he knew he was a chief justice, he just thought he was a regular guy. Everyone who knew him said they enjoyed his company and that he enjoyed this area, the culture, the food, and the people, and hunting wild game.

Mills also gave his opinion of the current conflict surrounding Governor Edwards' proposed budget plans

I think the governor and his staff are trying to say 'here's our plan, here's our revenue shortfall, here's the cuts that we're proposing, I don't want to make these cuts, but here's what I'm proposing for taxation or tax cuts and modifications.' What I'm sensing from some of the Acadiana delegation is that before we even talk about any revenue enhancements from tax packages or credits, we need to see that spending has been cut to the bone and once we see no one wants to close a university or hospital, you have to show us that spending has been cut to the point that it's as lean as we can be.  I think everyone's working as hard as they can to find a solution. There has to be a provision that resembles an endgame.

Click the image above for more behind the scenes details from Senator Mills, as well as his thoughts about spending cuts and tax revenue.



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