This kid is skating by on his talent.

Meet Gagan Satish, 6, who roller skated underneath 39 cars in 29 seconds. It’s part of a sport called limbo skating.

Gagan's love affair with limbo skating began after his parents bought him a pair of skates when he turned three. While most kids usually tire of toys after about a minute, Gagan stuck with the skates and showed an innate ability to wheel around.

He eventually hooked up with a skating coach and now practices for two hours a day.

In January, he showed everyone just how talented he is when he somehow skated under 39 cars -- that's about three-quarters of the length of a football field. Guinness is looking into it to see if it is a world record.

Gagan isn't one to rest on his skate-covered laurels, though. He says he wants to skate under 100 cars.

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