We just got a winner last weekend on a huge Mega Millions lottery jackpot. Now, it's the Powerball's turn to sweep the nation with instant gratification fever. While a lot of attention was focused on the $540 million payout on Mega Millions the Powerball jackpot has steadily climbed to an engaging amount.

Tonight when the ping pong balls drop just before 10 PM ticket holders will be hoping for a chance to claim their share of $333 million. That's the estimated amount the big money jackpot will be. Should you choose the cash option you'd be carrying home a wheelbarrow of cash too. That is estimated to be $237 million.

If you plan on participating in tonight's Powerball drawing you'll need to have your ticket secured at least an hour before the drawing time. The rules of the game dictate that so don't wait or you could be too late. If the Powerball is not your thing, keep a good thought that whomever might win this enormous amount of money will use it for good and altruistic means and not for selfish endeavors.

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