Standoff Outside Lafayette Fast Food Restaurant Ends With Driver in Critical Condition
In an ongoing story that began just before dusk on Sunday (Mar. 24), a standoff situation has developed outside the McDonald’s on Louisiana Avenue near I-10 in Lafayette, causing significant police activity and public attention. The incident began as a routine traffic stop conducted by State Police, which escalated when the individual involved, a male driver, refused to exit his vehicle, prompting a large-scale police response.
Following the standoff that occurred outside the McDonald’s on Louisiana Avenue near Interstate 10 in Lafayette on Sunday (Mar. 24), Louisiana State Police Trooper Thomas Gossen reported that the driver of the vehicle involved is in critical condition after a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
The incident, which began with a traffic stop by State Police and escalated when the driver refused to exit his vehicle, concluded early Monday morning. The standoff, requiring the presence of multiple law enforcement agencies, ended with authorities clearing the area around 2 a.m. on Monday (Mar. 25), according to Gossen.
Roads in the vicinity of the incident are now open, and the situation has been resolved. The identity of the individual has not been released at this time. Further details and updates will be provided by the authorities as the investigation into the incident continues.
Sergeant Robin Green of the Lafayette Police Department tells us that Lafayette officers were called to assist State Police as the situation intensified. The situation has drawn onlookers from McDonald’s employees to workers from nearby retail stores and restaurants, who have gathered in the parking lot, observing the tense scene unfold.
The standoff has also caused some logistical challenges, with individuals finding themselves trapped due to their vehicles being surrounded by police vehicles and officers actively working to resolve the situation. The police presence includes multiple units from various agencies.
As of 9:30 p.m., the scene remains ongoing, with police still surrounding a dark pickup truck. Within the truck, an individual can be seen in the driver's seat. Despite rumors circulating among onlookers and through social media, there has been no official confirmation from law enforcement regarding the presence of weapons in the vehicle or in the driver's possession. However, it has been noted that some officers have had their weapons drawn as a precautionary measure.
Law enforcement has established a perimeter to secure the area. The situation remains fluid, with authorities working diligently to bring the standoff to a peaceful end.
As this story develops, further updates will be provided.
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Gallery Credit: Katelyn Leboff