A special meeting was called yesterday by Lafayette City Parish Council Chairman Brandon Shelvin at 2pm.  Some of what needed to be discussed was the future of the parish and what needs are there for the community.  This was in response to the recent efforts by those in parks and recreation that wanted to increase what they were receiving, which had not been done since 1961.

City Parish President Joey Durel stopped by the Afternoon Drive Home to tell us what was behind the move to call the meeting.  Durel said,

I've talked in terms of putting together...a Blue Ribbon panel of people that would take a look at what our needs are, what we want in this community, what our financing is today and what the financing would have to be going forward if we want to continue to see Lafayette flourish.

Durel said that we need to make sure that we make decisions outside of a vacuum.  He said that he wanted to see that something proactive take place.  So, all of the taxing bodies got together to have a discussion about the way forward.

So what was the big takeaway from the meeting?  Durel said,

My takeaway was: we've got a bunch of entities here in Lafayette that do really good work in Lafayette, do the best that they can with what they have to work with, and we're talking.

Listen to the entire conversation with City Parish President Joey Durel below:

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