Josh Guillory: ‘I am running for Mayor-President of Lafayette’
There is another declared candidate for Lafayette Mayor-President. Lafayette attorney Josh Guillory made the announcement on Acadiana's Morning News with Rob Kirkpatrick and Bernadette Lee. His focus will apparently be an increase in communication between the Mayor-President's office and the public. The economy and limiting the role of government are two other things he thinks we can do better in Lafayette.
Asked about Carlee Alm-Labar, the only other declared candidate for Mayor-President, Guillory said he respects her and her positions. He says they are just different and he is excited to have those crucial conversations. Guillory also pledged to appear weekly on KPEL if he wins. He would be following in the footsteps of former Mayor-President Joey Durel who appeard on a segment called "Lafayette Live!" with Bernadette Lee for more than 11 years.
Last year, Josh Guillory was defeated in a run against incumbent Congressman Clay Higgins. We'll update this story as more information becomes available.