The Lafayette Parish School System is declaring "a critical shortage" of full-time K-12 teachers.

In a press release distributed Wednesday afternoon, the school board's potential reduction-in-force policy is cited as a reason teachers are resigning are refusing job offers:

It's unfortunate that this has come to pass in this school system, but we have had teachers resign or refuse offers based on their perception that there is no current budget that has been adopted by the Lafayette Parish School Board; therefore (teachers) fear that the Board may declare a Reduction In Force (RIF), and these professionals insist, as is to be rightfully expected, job security.

The release states that according to the Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana's policy, the declaration will enable retired teachers to fill the approximately 40 to 50 vacant positions, which will be advertised in local classifieds and on

The board's next budget meeting is Tuesday, July 29, at 5:30 p.m.


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