A new lawsuit file against Lambert's Cafe blames its "throwed rolls" for injuries a man suffered while eating at a location in Missouri.




SIKESTON, MO (KFVS) - A popular restaurant and tourist attraction in the Heartland finds itself at the center of a lawsuit.

A civil case was filed August 11 against Lambert's Cafe in Sikeston, Mo.

The lawyer in this case said his client suffered permanent eye damage after being hit by a "throwed roll."

The plaintiff, Troy Tucker, is seeking payment for medical expenses that have piled up after the incident.

Her lawyer, William Meehan of St. Louis, told Heartland News Tucker was visiting Lambert's Cafe last September with a Bible group.

Tucker claims she was hit in the eye by a "throwed roll" and suffered a detached cornea.

Now she says she has impaired vision.

But some are defending Lambert's saying you expect to have rolls lobbed at you.

It's advertised in the restaurant's slogan and one reason it's such a large tourist attraction.

"Oh I just think that this is a great place," said Emily Moore. "It's a fun place. I don't come here that often even though I'm a native of the area and I just think it's wonderful. And it's really shocking to think that someone would actually sue Lambert's for a throwed roll. 'Cause that's what they're known for."

Lambert's general manager, Jerry Johnson, said servers never intend to hurt anyone when they throw those rolls.

Johnson also said this isn't the first time someone has sought money after getting hit by an errant roll.

He did say in some of those cases the restaurant's insurance paid for medical expenses.

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