The Lafayette Consolidated Government Council voted last night to bolster the municipality's legal fund by $675,000.

LCG Attorney Paul Escott told the council this year's legal department account has waned to its current balance of approximately $67,000. He added that he is currently holding on to about $170,000 in bills.

The council originally planned on adding $425,000 to the legal department's coffers, but at Tuesday's meeting the council voted to increase the amount to reach near the last fiscal year's legal department expenses.

For the 2014-15 fiscal year the legal department spent $993,000. The current year's budget was set at more than $723,000; with the additional funds approved Tuesday, the legal department funds will exceed $1.3 million.

District 9 Councilman William Theriot cast the only vote disapproving the funds exchange.

The estimated increase in funds does not account for much of the class-action lawsuit that the council is facing regarding Lafayette Utility System bill collections. Escott said the $675,000 does include some of the initial legal fees that may be incurred, but not the $400 million in refunds that the plaintiffs are asking for. For that amount, Escott said, the Risk Management office will access their account, if needed.

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