Why is it when organizations publish lists about good things and bad things about each state our state is at the bottom of the good and the top of the bad? Here is another well I am not surprised moment, this one comes from the people at Nerdwallet.

Nerdwallet is a consumer website and they compiled information from across the country concerning how much residents in each state pay for insurance. Guess who is number one when it comes to paying the highest percentage of their salary for coverage?

Here is the way the numbers breakout. When you combine insurance coverage for home, life, automobiles, and health, the average Louisiana resident is spending about $7,300 annually. According to researcher Jeffery Chu that is about 18% of the average annual income.  Chu spoke to the Louisiana Radio Network about his findings.

One, Louisiana has really high home owners insurance costs and also Louisiana has very high average auto insurance costs, as well.

Chu did indicate he thought there was a bright spot in this discovery. He suggested that most Louisiana residents are in fact paying too much for their insurance. He indicated that almost every consumer surveyed could probably save a significant amount on their coverage if they just did a little homework.

Budgeting and also going to online tools can help you compare quotes, so there is some silver lining to this.

If you were wondering why our insurance coverage is so high there are a couple of factors in play. For automotive insurance coverage the reason for the higher premiums you've probably figured out.

So, a lot of people are coming in and making auto insurance claims, so that's driving up premiums. Also, there are pot holes and road conditions that factor into those high rates.

As far as homeowners insurance goes the threat of hurricanes and other severe weather are indeed a factor in our higher premiums. I suggest you go online and do some snooping. There are a lot of insurance companies that are willing to work hard to get your business but you've got to make them work in order to get the savings.


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