The businesses that are the back bone of any community are the smaller local businesses that have served that community for years. They have seen the good times and weathered the tough times.

For many of those business owners these not so rosy economic times have meant changes in the way they do business. The economic temperature of the state also has many of these business owners doing what they wish state government would do.

Dawn Starns is the Louisiana Director of the NFIB, the National Federation for Independent Business, she told the Louisiana Radio Network that while specific stats for the state are not available the prevailing economic and political winds across the state have many small business owners concerned.

It just goes to show you the real effect that the political climate can have on the economy.

Starns suggested that many small business owners are watching closely the outcome of the special session of the legislature which is scheduled to close today at 6pm. The fear for many is that proposed tax increases will put an extra burden on the small business owner.

Business does understand that they have to do their part, but small mom and pops can only shoulder so much of what that is.

Many of the business owners surveyed suggested that the state should do as they have been forced to do. Specifically small business owners have had to cut down on expenses and spending while trying to keep customer service at the proper level.

Our business owners want to see that our government’s tightening its belt the way it’s supposed to be, like a small business would have to in a situation like this.

The good news for consumers is that most small business are doing everything they can to keep their prices as low as possible. Many of the businesses included in the survey say while they don't have plans to hire additional help, they don't have plans to reduce their workforce at least at this time.

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