Louisiana – Texas Abortion Ruling Reopens Question In La Case
NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Doctors who perform abortions in Louisiana will testify with a screen hiding them from spectators as a federal judge in Baton Rouge hears a challenge to Louisiana's law requiring them to be able to admit patients to a hospital within 30 miles.
The doctors sued anonymously, as "John Does," and a court order has made virtually all information about the clinics confidential. That includes any information about the clinics' staff, physicians and patients.
U.S. District Judge John deGravelles (duh-GRAV-uhl) has scheduled the trial for six days, starting Monday and ending next Monday.
Lawyers will plunge directly into evidence about whether the law would make it unconstitutionally difficult for women to get abortions and whether legislators passed it to keep women from getting abortions.
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