If you like to wait until the last minute to do your holiday shopping then now is the time for you to shine. The big day is upon us and that means retailers will be busy across the state these final days before Christmas.

You'd expect the stores to be jam-packed with last minute shoppers hoping for a bargain. You probably won't find the huge crowds. But, you will be able to find some incredible deals.

LSU marketing professor Ofer Mintz told the  Louisiana Radio Network that most people have completed their holiday gift lists. Here at the radio station, we've been asking around and most of you say that except for a few stocking stuffers or other little items you're done. But just in case you're not.

A lot of the good bargains have gone, but you’re lucky that there’s still some around, and there’s even going to be some around right after Christmas as well. That week in between Christmas and New Year’s there’s always good bargains there.

That means that the gift card will be a great idea, especially if you have no idea what to get the people on your shopping list. The drawback to a gift card or cash is that it's not that personal. However, most folks get over that "personal" thing very quickly especially when they get what they wanted at an After Christmas Sale.

Mintz did suggest that even if you're shopping at the very last minute retailers will still be trying very hard to entice you into their stores. And if you're willing to do a little legwork you can really stretch your holiday budget.

I’d say look for the best deals, they’re still out there. Retailers still want you to come, and there’s still a lot of availability. So I’d say don’t hesitate

Yeah, don't hesitate your time is short and if you can't find what you're looking for in your favorite store remember handmade items or homemade items like cookies are always a great holiday gift idea.



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