A new report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta is showing a trend among teenage girls. That report indicates that nearly one in five teen girls has used the controversial morning after pill to reduce the chance of unwanted pregnancy. That number of users, according to the report, is up from one in twelve girls just ten years ago.

Ease of availability appears to be the major catalyst  for the increased use of this medication. Dr. Valerie Williams is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the LSU Health. She told the Louisiana Radio Network,

In the past, having the requirement of requiring a prescription presented many barriers to teens. It would require them to have to see a physician and often times through their parents insurance.

The pill is now available over the counter a prescription is no longer needed.

The hope with the pill is that this will decrease the number of teen pregnancies. Louisiana's teen pregnancy rate is much higher than the national average.

We have, while the teen pregnancy rate in this country has declined since the mid 1990's, it's still exceptionally high compared to other countries.

Williams went on to say that this report by the CDC has both positive and negative connotations. She suggested that she'd like to see similar increases in the use of more traditional contraceptive measures not just the emergency contraceptive as the Morning After Pill is often described as being.

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