Must-Haves for the Perfect Beach Trip
When summer rolls around there are hordes of families who will descend along America's shorelines to have a little fun in the sun. Most of the people that I know love to visit Destin, Florida, Pensacola, Florida, or the really popular Orange Beach, Alabama.
The emerald coast of Florida is such a beautiful place to sit on the beach, have a beverage, play in the sand with your kids and get to know your family again. It's also a place for an escape without the kids, just the adults. It's time to cut loose and let all the troubles of home evaporate with the bright sunshine and the sound of the waves.
If you're planning such a trip this summer, I hope that the weather holds out, and I hope that you have all of the things you need at the beach to make the trip the most fun.
There are several things that make it onto my list when it comes to "must-haves" when we are headed to the beach. I'm sure some of the things that are on my list are on your list also. I mean, how can you go to the beach without your favorite beverage? Some people aren't into alcoholic beverages on the beach, and that's cool too. Lemonade, tea, soda, Powerade, all of those things are great things to keep in your ice chest.
When I hit the beach, I am not a huge drinker of alcoholic beverages, but it is vacation, so I do imbibe a little bit. In typically Bernie-girl fashion, this year, all the rage with me are the Bud Light Seltzer drinks. I find them so much fun because they offer great taste along with something refreshing when you need to cool off. I also carry along the biggest non-alcoholic beverage that is a life-saver, a big container of water!
I also have to have my favorite snacks. As far as I am concerned, when you are on vacation, it's a free pass to load up on all of the great snack foods you may not normally eat when you're home. Bring on the chips, the giant can of deluxe mixed nuts, Twizzlers, chocolate-covered pretzels, and more.
Combined with a big giant umbrella, the most comfortable chair, and premium sunscreen, it ends up being a perfect day.
I also bring along something odd with me when I go to the beach......a dustpan broom. I make my annual trip to a dollar store (because I can't ever find the one from last year), and I buy a dustpan with the little broom attached. I know you're thinking, "Oh my God, she has finally gone total mad", but alas, there is a reason. The brush is PERFECT for dusting the sand off of you after you take a dip in the waves and then get back to your chair.
Must-Haves for the Perfect Beach Trip
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