With the recent increase in gas prices we asked Carita Phillips of the Lafayette Council on Aging to visit with us today on 'Mornings With Ken and Bernie' to discuss how these increases would affect the Meals on Wheels program.

According to Phillips,

We have paid drivers that get paid for mileage, it's not much, maybe 54 cents per mile, but we have a large number of volunteers from several churches in Lafayette.  It could effect our volunteers because they don't get reimbursed for mileage.

When asked if donations for the program were accepted Phillips replied,

Definitely, we accept donations all the time.  Donations can be mailed to: The Lafayette Council on Aging, 160 Industrial Parkway, Lafayette 70508, Attention: Meals on Wheels.

Phillips outlined the duties or responsibilities of the volunteer drivers.  She said,

The drivers stop by the designated churches and pick up the prepackaged meals at 10:00AM and then deliver them to the recipients.  Many of those recipients have no other human contact except for the Meals on Wheels drivers.

According to Phillips, Bateman Catering prepares the meals for delivery to the volunteers and four drop off locations where seniors can drop in to eat if they are capable.  If you'd like to volunteer you can reach Carita Phillips at 337-280-1905.

Listen to the interview:

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