
Could You Survive a Hot Car?
Could You Survive a Hot Car?
Could You Survive a Hot Car?
There have been far too many stories in the news this summer about parents leaving their kids in the car while they go in and shop. This is not okay! We all know that a quick trip in the store can end up being much more than that.
Dog Is Not Having His Owner’s Kisses
Dog Is Not Having His Owner’s Kisses
Dog Is Not Having His Owner’s Kisses
One man has trained his dog to hate kisses or affection. Sure, it's cute, but they've spent so much time together, and Owner was totally there for Dog that time he ate the Chunky bar -- he even took him to the doctor and washed the puke out of his hair...
Dog Walks on Front Paws While He Takes Care of Business [VIDEO]
Dog Walks on Front Paws While He Takes Care of Business [VIDEO]
Dog Walks on Front Paws While He Takes Care of Business [VIDEO]
Is your old dog in need of some new tricks? If so, you'll want to check out the amazingly adorable Harley, who has discovered an incredible way to, you know, do his business. In the video after the jump, Harley is filmed going "tee-tee" outside in the grass -- a huge accomplishment for any dog owner. The trick is, he proceeds to walk on his front paws as he does it.