Tom Benson, the owner of the New Orleans Saints and the New Orleans Pelicans made a surprise offer yesterday to end the feud his family is having over just who controls his financial empire. Benson announced yesterday that he is prepared to resign as a trustee from a disputed family trust in Texas. There is one condition to his resignation. His daughter Renee not be allowed to be put in as trustee in his place.

A legal analyst, Tim Meche, who has been following the Benson family saga says this calculated move probably means one thing for Mr. Benson.

He's trying to look for a way to avoid participating in negotiations or being deposed.

Meche went on to elaborate in a story published by the Louisiana Radio Network. He said the family had agreed to mediation to begin on February 1 of 2016. This maneuver seems to indicate that Mr. Benson's side would like the case settle before that happens.

This also might lend credence to allegations by Benson's family that Mr. Benson is actually being controlled by those around him. Meche explained,

If he personally were allowed to participate in negotiations with his relatives, he'd make concessions.  But those around him have forbid him from doing that.

This particular case in Texas does not involve the ownership of the  Saints or Pelicans. However Meche believes that this is the first of many legal maneuvers. Depending on how the case plays out future maneuvers might involve those two properties. Meche suggested that the fact that Benson has been unwilling to participate in the legal proceedings. That choice has meant he has had to make concessions to his family.

He's making the first one in Texas.  Ultimately, I believe he'll have to make additional concessions.  Some of those will involve the Saints and the Pelicans.

There has been no answer from the Benson family in regards to this offer to resign and the conditions that it holds. I am sure we will be hearing from their legal advisers in the coming days.


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